Wednesday 30 March 2011

Capuccino at Smithfield

I am sit by the window in the brand new "Paul Patisserie" by Smithfield Market. A saxo is playing "Fly me to the moon" through the speakers, some business conversation flows at my back and I am staring at the black cabs passing by.

I am enjoying this cappuccino with the quiet calm of someone who knows that everything is going to be all right; someone who is getting there...not knowing exactly where, but there.

A young couple with their baby sits besides me and have some coffee, chocolate and pastries. They look happy while they share their sweets and lick their fingers. I just can't resist it and I interrupt them, asking permission to capture this beautiful moment.

I have to go out the cafe to take a few more shots.

I took 2 minutes of their time. They were Jessie, James and Billy.

Click on the photos to enlarge :)

Friday 25 March 2011

Picture Burgess Park

Now that Spring is officially here I go jogging to Burgess Park every day. The regeneration program has just started and we are all enjoying the sunshine and warm weather at the outside gym.

I have already sent 3 photographs to Picture Burgess Park competition and one of them has been selected to appear in the Home Page of Friends of Burgess Park:

I will take my camera with me next week and will update my personal "Burgess Park collection" :)

Tuesday 22 March 2011

London in 35 mm (IV): Somerset House

Recién salida del horno, foto de hoy a las 11:30 am aprox. Somerset House en Strand, extremo oeste de la City, hogar de Mr. Taxman y centro de las artes.

2 mesas desocupadas que parecen esperar la inminente lluvia sobre ellas. Por el contrario la primavera ha llegado y con ella el sol, carreras en el parque y paseos matutinos. La vida vampira del invierno parece que empieza a encontrar diferentes variantes. Todo por mantener la cabeza ocupada mientras pasan los días destino a ninguna parte.

PS: Flickr actualizado con las fotos del viaje a USA :)

Sunday 13 March 2011

The same

With a lost, sad look through the windows of a filthy bus I am getting back to my cave. A place where I will close my eyes and I will stop thinking about this solitude.

Taste of whisky still in my mouth while I head straight, like an automat. I know the way, the same as every other night, the same silence, the same lines, the same thoughts...the same.

My boots against the footpath in the night. Chandler Way is sleeping and a curious fox is staring at me. The ones, the good ones are flowing slowly away and she never says hello.

She never introduces herself. She never appears.

She doesn't exist.